Ultrafiltration system

Ultrafiltration system

CDL Ultrafiltration. Be a part of the next innovation in maple sugaring!

Designed and made for very fine filtration of maple sap, birch sap and concentrate, CDL Ultrafiltration system eliminates bacteria, yeast and other organic particles from liquids. It also improves sap and concentrate preservation time.

Technological advancement of filtration

Eliminates all bacterias and yeast present in the sap;

Increases preservation time of sap and concentrate at room temperature;

Reduces sap waste after long distance transport;

Produces pure and clear sap;

Essential for maple syrup producers that want to bottle maple sap;

Can be used to prevent production of stringy maple syrup when the days are warm during or at the end of the season.

CDL quality standards and simplified operations

Designed and made for very fine filtration of maple sap, birch sap and concentrate. Eliminates bacteria, yeast and other organic particles from liquids. Improves sap and concentrate preservation time.


  1. 100% stainless steel recirculation
  2. Food grade equipment
  3. Exceptional purity and minerals preservation
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  • CDL UF systemFully customizable
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